Keeping safe in the middle of a snow storm is of the utmost importance. Here is how you can help your neighborhood!
From the Association
Below are some friendly reminders on snow policies to observe when the Association experiences a significant snow event.
Sidewalks - Residents are required by the Town of Leesburg to clear off all sidewalks leading to and adjacent to the property within 24 hours after the snow stops. This includes sidewalks running in front of property, in both the townhomes and single-family homes.
Plowing - The Association's snow plow only clears after accumulation of 2" has been reached. The Association's snow plow will only clear HOA-owned townhouse roads and Association parking lots, which do NOT include Fieldstone, Ambrosia, Catoctin, Plaza, or any single-family home streets.
Walkways and paths - Only select curbs and pathways will be cleared by the Association. All walkways are for use at your own risk and may not be treated or cleared.
Snow shoveling - Do not throw snow into the street or onto a neighbor's property. If the plow has already cleared a street once, they may not return to clear it again, leaving snow in the street for you and your neighbors to deal with. Snow shoveled out of parking spaces and sidewalks may be placed on the owner's property or on otherwise unoccupied common area.
Trash cans - Please bring in your trash cans tonight to prevent them being spilled, littering the community, or being unrecoverable due to snow. Trash cans left out after trash day (Tuesday), especially prior to snow events, will be cited for violations.
Good neighbors - Help out the Town, your postal worker, and your neighborhood by clearing out in front of mailboxes and fire hydrants. The Town of Leesburg encourages homeowners to remove snow within 3 feet of fire hydrants to ensure a fire truck is able to access in the event of an emergency.

From the Town of Leesburg
The following select items were pulled from communications form the Town of Leesburg. For the full press release, please click here.
Snow Emergency Routes. A snow emergency is declared when enough snow, sleet or other icy precipitation has accumulated, or is predicted to accumulate, on Town roadways to warrant plowing. When a snow emergency is in effect, all vehicles must be removed from streets designated as Snow Emergency Routes. Any vehicle not removed from the designated streets when a snow emergency is in effect will be towed at the owner’s expense. Snow Emergency Routes are
King Street, from the Union Cemetery to Country Club Drive
Loudoun Street, from Liberty Street to Harrison Street
Market Street, from Fairview Street to the Route 7/15 Bypass
Please see the Snow Emergency Routes map on the Town website.
Snow removal from Town streets. The Town of Leesburg is responsible for snow removal from public streets throughout Town. Snow removal on private streets, parking courts, and privately-owned parking lots is the responsibility of the HOA or property owner. For more information about who clears snow from specific streets, see the interactive map on the Town website at www.leesburgva.gov/snowmap.
Trash collection. Patriot is planning to collect trash on Wednesday. However, if the weather becomes unsafe for their trucks and staff, they will halt collections. If collections are halted, the remainder of Wednesday’s collection area will be completed on Thursday. Thursday collection for southwest Leesburg and Meadowbrook Farms will occur as scheduled.